Our Approach
Our Montessori classrooms are geared to the size, pace, and interest of children. They offer space for movement, for individual work and for small group activities. Each classroom is designed to facilitate maximum independent learning and exploration, and has a full range of AMI-approved Montessori educational apparatus for the appropriate age level. These specifically designed materials are sensory-based, self-correcting, arranged according to subject area, and neatly placed on low and open shelves within easy reach of all children.
At each level, the Montessori learning environment is designed for mixed-age group. This provides an opportunity for younger children to learn from older peers, while older children gain satisfaction in sharing their knowledge while reinforcing their own learning.
Our Montessori Curriculum
In most traditional learning settings, teachers are given a curriculum which all children follow together at the same time. The curriculum is structured with little regard to the children’s individual interests and abilities. The Montessori curriculum is different. It is designed to help all children reach their fullest potential at their own unique pace without feeling “behind” or “ahead”. Our curriculum is geared to children who have varying abilities, in a community in which everyone learns from one another and everyone contributes.
Our Montessori program is introduced to each child by a Montessori-trained teacher through one-on-one or small-group lessons called “presentations”. Presentations of new activities are introduced based on each child’s developmental level. Once children have been introduced to a new activity, they are free to engage with this particular material on their own, for as long as they want and as often as they wish. Presentations are reintroduced if necessary.

Well-known Montessori Graduates
Jeff Bezos: Financial Analyst, Founder of
Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis: Former Editor, Former First lady
Sergey Brin & Larry Page: Co-founders of (who credit their Montessori education for much of their success)
Julia Child: Famous Chef, star of many TV cooking shows and author of numerous cookbooks
Sean “P. Diddy” Combs: Rap star, Music mogul
Prince William and Prince Harry: English royal family
Anne Frank: Famous diarist from World War II
Anne Frank: Famous diarist from World War II
Gabriel Garcia Marquez: Nobel Prize winner for Literature
Friedensreich Hundertwasser: Austrian painter and architect
Jimmy Wales: founder of Wikipedia
Helen Hunt: Academy Award-winning actress
George Clooney: Academy Award-winning actor
Taylor Swift: Singer/songwriter, actress
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